Monday, October 25, 2010

Laser Cutting Companies

Since Theodore Maiman invented the first functional laser or LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) in 1960, this device, which generates a strong, highly concentrated beam of single-wavelength light, has found several uses in different industries and in various fields including medicine, consumer electronics and information technology.

Its most prominent industrial use is laser cutting. It is said that about $4.5 billion worth of laser cutting systems are being used around the world today. Most of them are being used in Japan.

In the U.S., the technology is also recognized for making companies in the automotive, aerospace, garment, architectural, construction and furniture manufacturing industries more competitive in terms of productivity and quality.

As laser cutting technology gets more advanced, and as its application gets more comprehensive, laser cutting companies are also offering high rates. These companies either manufacture laser cutting equipment or provide high-precision laser cutting facilities and services.

Many laser cutting service providers offer other services such as etching, slotting, plasma cutting, welding, punching forming and polishing of metals, aside from distortion-free metal cutting. Laser cutting of other materials such as wood, ceramics, plastics and rubber are also offered by these companies.

A complete laser cutting service package may cover designing of the parts, furnishing of materials, state-of-the-art laser cutting, quality control, delivery of parts and technical consulting services.

Laser cutting equipment manufacturers, on the other hand, make several kinds of lasers, ranging from flying optic lasers to hybrids lasers, Pivot-beam lasers and pulsed lasers. The flying optic laser is widely used for its inexpensive stationary tables and fast positioning speed (about 300m per minute). It is capable of cutting complex metal parts with small notches and intricate contours.

For piercing, it is best to use a pulsed laser since this type of laser produces a high amount of energy within a very short period of time. If you use a laser with a constant beam, the whole material being cut may melt.

The benefits of getting service from a reliable laser cutting company are many. The laser equipment only needs small floor space, it uses a small amount of heat so warping is avoided, it cuts with precision so you can minimize cutting wastes, laser cutting has lower risks of injury, and lasers cut fast, helping you increase production.

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