For a variety of products, they are required to be safeguarded from constant contact with the ground and scratches. They can be electrical, mechanical, household and various other systems and devices. They are installed in the lower or foot area of the equipment and this makes them known as feet.
The availability and wide usage has popularized them around the world. With the maximum effectiveness and durability, these feet have witnessed a tremendous growth and evolution right from the very beginning.
The feet also known as bumpers are available in rubber and plastic of different varieties. Depending on the usability, the right one is selected. Rubber bumpers can be installed on huge range of products including electronics, laptops, glass products, furniture, doors, appliances, office equipment, automotive and many more. With its widening approach and easy availability, they are more satisfied customers in every field. The quality and manufacturing has important roles to play. Even though they are small in size, they are highly useful items.
Rubber Bumpers also known as Rubber feet are available in different shapes, sizes and dimensions. As it is applied for spectrum of products, the wide range helps in serving every requirement. They can also be tailor made to meet the exact needs. They are generally white, grey, black or transparent, but they can be made in a variety of colors.
When it comes to installation, it can be done very easily. There is Rubber bumpers that are self installed. They are very useful and help in saving time. They never peel, scratch or leave stains on the product. Some of them can be attached with screws on the products as the need arise. Metal washers are attached to increase the lengths at the base.
Apart from Rubber Feet, there are Recessed Bumpers available that also helps in saving the products from scratches and protect them. Plastic Bumper is another option that can perform the same tasks as the Rubber bumpers. Plastic feet has great grip, strength and can perform in adverse conditions also. They serve many industries and have proved very effective in terms of functioning. The great variety offered under the same roof helps the customers to make the perfect choice that aptly suits their purpose.
Plastics and Rubber Products have become a common feature in homes. For that matter even Industries have fallen hook, line and sinker for the two. Two major factors like credibility and versatility have been driving their demand. Considering the soaring demand for plastic and rubber products, we have come up with a common platform for all plastic and rubber manufacturers, suppliers, exporters and buyers, to trade with each other at the click of a mouse. A few years back, transactions used to take place ‘on –field’, with both parties sitting face-to-face, before closing the deal. Here, the major plus point is the transaction is taking place ‘on-line’ and you can strike a profitable deal right away. Sitting face-to-face can be done anytime.
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