One of the frequently used products in U.S is plastic. Plastic is used for varied purposes. It is used for packaging consumer products, for carrying food and drinks, building toys, and for almost every conceivable reason. There are more than 10,000 varied kinds of plastic to be found. The product is versatile enough to be blended with different elements and thus it has limitless utility.
However, plastic contains petroleum - a non-renewable resource. Thus greater the amount of petroleum burnt to create newer plastic products, the higher is the amount of greenhouse gas emission. Plastic recycling is the answer to this menace.
What is plastic recycling?
Plastic recycling refers to recovery of scrap and waste plastics. The recovered scrap plastic is reprocessed into different useful products, may be absolutely different in shape or form from the original state. As an example, soft drink bottles are melted down and cast as plastic tables and chairs.
Some plastics for recycling
The most common and easiest form of plastic to recycle is made of polyethylene terephthalate (PETE). This is assigned number 1. Medicine containers and soda water bottles may be recycled to form sleeping bags, life jackets, rope, car bumpers, etc.
The polyethylene or high-density plastics are the heavy containers of laundry detergents, shampoo, motor oil, etc. This form of plastic has been assigned number 2 and is recycled into plastic lumber, toys and piping.
www.made-from-india.com is a b2b portal which provide manufacturer, suppliers & exporters for plastic products. Plastics and Rubber Products have become a common feature in homes. For that matter even Industries have fallen hook, line and sinker for the two. Two major factors like credibility and versatility have been driving their demand. Considering the soaring demand for plastic and rubber products, we have come up with a common platform for all plastic and rubber manufacturers, suppliers, exporters and buyers, to trade with each other at the click of a mouse. A few years back, transactions used to take place ‘on –field’, with both parties sitting face-to-face, before closing the deal. Here, the major plus point is the transaction is taking place ‘on-line’ and you can strike a profitable deal right away. Sitting face-to-face can be done anytime.
Polyvinyl chloride plastic used in shower curtains, baby bottle nipples is given number 3. Wrapping films, sandwich bags contain low-density polyethylene is assigned number 4 while polypropylene containers found in Tupperware is number 5. These have comparatively low rates of recyclability. The hardest form of plastic to recycle is one which is composed of all the different forms of plastics mentioned above and is assigned number 7.